Sir William Perkins’s School has much to offer individuals who demonstrate outstanding talents and potential in their chosen fields. Scholarships are designed to recognise and develop pupils’ talents, interests and aptitudes, whilst providing them with both enrichment and support. SWPS offers a range of scholarships to pupils entering the school at Year 7 and Year 12 including Academic, Art and Design, Drama, Music and Sport, and are worth up to 10% of the current tuition fees. The number and value of scholarships awards vary from year to year. Awards are at the discretion of the Head. All scholarships, which can be held for the whole of a pupil’s time at SWPS subject to the terms and conditions of each award, are reviewed annually. We look forward to award-holders remaining at SWPS until they have completed their A Level examinations, thus making a significant contribution to school life.
Strong candidates who are not awarded a full Academic, Music, Art, Drama or Sport Scholarship may be invited to join our ‘Aspire’ programme. This gives students the opportunity to join Scholarship activities and take up opportunities such as peer mentoring and specialist trips in recognition of their ability and commitment to their chosen field. Whilst there is no fee remission for being on the Aspire programme, it is nevertheless a prestigious opportunity and one which will allow the students to develop their specialist interest and talent extensively.
Find out more about our Scholarship and Aspire Programme
Receiving an award carries a level of prestige but also a degree of expectation. Scholars will be expected to act as role models in their fields of interest, and – as they move into their senior years – to begin to deliver on their potential by taking on positions of leadership.
We have developed a programme of extension activities and opportunities appropriate to particular areas of talent; Music and Drama scholars, for example, attend regular masterclasses with visiting professionals, as well as perform in scholars’ recitals and School productions.
For information about the assessment process and how to apply please refer to our Scholarship Information for Candidates booklet
A limited number of means-tested financial awards are available to the families of students joining Year 7 or Year 12 and are worth, in some cases, up to 100% of tuition fees may be applied for through the Perkins Foundation Bursary Scheme. The Governors of Sir William Perkins’s School are committed to broadening access to the School by offering means-tested financial assistance with the payment of school fees.
Bursary awards are subject to an annual review and may be varied upwards or downwards, depending on any changes to parental circumstances.
Bursary applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed.
Bursary applications for entry in September 2026 will open on 1 July 2025, and close on 15 September 2025. All paperwork and supporting documents must be received by 1 October 2025.