2024-25 Academic Year Fees
Annual tuition fees £21,648
Autumn Term tuition: £7216
Spring Term tuition: £7216
Summer Term tuition: £7216
Acceptance Deposit: £750
Additional Deposit (deferred entry): £7216
Examinations: charged at cost
Parents Association: £20 per annum
Autumn Term coaches: £589
Autumn Term lunches: £412
Spring Term coaches: £570
Spring Term lunches: £398
Summer Term coaches: £494
Summer Term lunches: £344
School Fees Refund Scheme: £59.17 per term
AXA PPP Student Healthcare: £150 per term
Tuition fees are reviewed annually, where possible the School will provide one term's notice of any change. Fees include most books and stationery, but not examination or trip/field course fees, which are charged separately when incurred. Most sports and activities are included in the fee, but some optional activities (including Rowing, Mandarin and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award) carry an additional charge.
Tuition fees are budgeted on an annual basis but for ease of payment are divided into three equal termly amounts. Fees bills will be issued separately for each term at the end of the preceding term. Fees for each term are due and payable by direct debit and as cleared funds before the commencement of the School Term to which they relate. A £75 charge will be levied for payments without a direct debit mandate.
Click here for Blank Direct Debit Mandate Form
then please print, complete and return to the School.
Please ensure the mandate form is signed as per your bank signing arrangements - i.e. if it is a joint bank account then both signatories need to sign the form. Leave the reference box blank. The total of the fee bill will be taken by Direct Debit on the first day of Term, and a letter of confirmation will be sent out with the fee bill.
For finance enquiries, contact:
Personal Accident Insurance
We provide personal accident automatically for all pupils at no extra charge to parents.
This gives compensation for serious injury in cases where the School is not liable.
It operates world-wide 365 days a year, reflecting the importance the School attaches to this type of insurance.
Pupils' Healthcare Scheme
The reassurance of the AXA PPP Pupils' Healthcare Scheme is available for £150 per term, per child This scheme also provides UK-wide cover outside of school hours and during the school holidays.
This cover is provided on a non-underwritten basis, meaning that even if your child has already had an illness or condition, they’ll be covered providing that illness or condition is eligible under the membership rules.
SWPS Specific Cover InformationGeneral Cover Information
Additional InformationOnline Application Form
School Fees Refund Scheme
A thoroughly worthwhile scheme for a modest fee, which provides repayment of fees pro-rata should your daughter be away from school because of illness for more than five days. From September 2023 the charge is 0.82% of net fees.
For more information and to apply for this scheme, click here
NOTE: Parents are not participating directly in an insurance policy. Instead, the policy is arranged by the School with Marsh Limited. The scheme then enables the School to pass on the refund benefits to parents participating.