

Our Careers Department is here to advise and support students and their parents in making choices that are right for them throughout their school career.

This includes giving students clear guidance on the options available to them and the wider implications around those choices. Guidance provided will help students make informed GCSE and A level decisions, giving them the very best chance of fulfilling their potential.

Throughout their time at SWPS, students develop their skills in many ways – not only in their academic studies but in holding positions of responsibility, leading teams, making presentations and participating in a wide variety of co-curricular activities. These develop many of the transferable skills essential for the world of work.

The Careers Department enables students to identify their strengths, weaknesses and interests relating to the world of work. By learning about different careers and opportunities, they will be able to identify the best options for them individually through one to one support and guidance.

SWPS Careers Programme Overview Year 7-13

Careers Activities

Careers opportunities open to all students

Careers Seminars

All students are invited to attend interactive careers seminars covering a wide range of industries. They can sign up for these on Firefly and can attend the sessions they are most interested in. The seminars allow them to have an interactive experience of what jobs might involve; the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about the careers they are interested in; and ask questions to support their future choices.

Careers Resources

The resources of the Careers Centre are available, including a wide range of publications and the software, for students to access at break, lunchtimes and after school up to 5pm. These include University Prospectuses for 6th Form students.

Firefly Resources

The students can access a wide variety of resources on Firefly including CV and Job interview guidance tips, direct access to work experience opportunities run via external organisations and access to sign up to the various career’s seminars on offer. There are also sections for the career’s programmes offered at school with the relevant resources.

One to one Careers Interviews

Students in any year group can meet for a one-to-one careers interview which can include advice and guidance of university courses as well a possible career routes that might be taken given their academic achievements and their personal skill sets and interests.

Head of Careers

Mrs Lucy Haley

01932 574 900

SWPS Career Seminars

To see a list of past career seminars and visiting speakers, click the link below.


The Careers Suite

Careers in Medicine Seminar with Meducators in the SWPS Careers Suite

Within the school there is a dedicated Careers Suite which comprises of 24 computers and a fully resourced library with a wide range of information on different careers, general career guidance and a comprehensive catalogue of up to date University prospectuses. The school also has access to a software programme called Probe which allows online questionnaire. All students have access to the Suite and the networked Higher Ideas and JED software accessible on all computers. The software allows students to generate ideas for careers based on their interests or subjects chosen, as well as giving them detailed information about the responsibilities, working conditions and pay of different jobs.

It also gives them guidance on how to get into that industry and the training required. Course ideas at University can also be generated, based on their interests and chosen subjects.

SWPS students taking part in a study trip
Careers seminar with Diplomat Sir Simon McDonald who visited SWPS in 2019
SWPS students winning a workshop with the NHS Clinical Simulation Vehicle
SWPS students winning a workshop with the NHS Clinical Simulation Vehicle
Careers in Medicine Seminar with Meducators in the SWPS Careers Suite
SWPS student in a fighter jet during a tour of Brooklands Museum
SWPS students on a tour of Brooklands Museum
SWPS Careers seminar with Sir Simon McDonald
the SWPS Careers fair welcoming SWPS and other local schools students
the SWPS Careers fair welcoming SWPS and other local schools students
the SWPS Careers fair welcoming SWPS and other local schools students