Our Careers Department is here to advise and support students and their parents in making choices that are right for them throughout their school career. This includes giving students clear guidance on the options available to them and the wider implications around those choices. Guidance provided will help students make informed GCSE and A level decisions, giving them the very best chance of fulfilling their potential. Throughout their time at SWPS, students develop their skills in many ways – not only in their academic studies but in holding positions of responsibility, leading teams, making presentations and participating in a wide variety of co-curricular activities. These develop many of the transferable skills essential for the world of work. Our Careers Department enables students to identify their strengths, weaknesses and interests relating to the world of work. By learning about different careers and opportunities, they will be able to identify the best options for them individually through one to one support and guidance.Lucy Haley, Head of Careers


'There is a comprehensive careers programme, including annual careers and higher education fairs, to provide pupils with accurate and impartial careers advice.'

ISI Inspection Report
