Our Vision here at Sir William Perkins's School is to build confidence, integrity, and excellence in a caring, innovative, and happy community so that each student leaves having been given the best possible chance of achieving their full potential, taking with them sound values, breadth of skills and knowledge, and ready to take on the world!
Our values are
Curiosity, Ambition and Generosity
We seek to nurture in every student the values of Curiosity, Ambition and Generosity. Curiosity about our world and our future. Ambition for ourselves and for others. Generous with our thoughts, our gifts and our time.
We want our students to be kind and respectful of others at school and in the world beyond, to be appreciative of differences, and to develop the perspective to live fulfilled lives in the world beyond school. We believe in the power of knowledge as a tool for thought and creative endeavour, and a source of lifelong inspiration and curiosity.
Academic success is our priority but education should be about far more than just top grades. We believe in educating the whole person and equipping our students to have the confidence to make their mark on the world. In and out of the classroom, we want our pupils to find their voice, spoken and written. We want them to explore the big questions, the searching questions, the difficult questions. Debate and discussion lie at the very heart of a SWPS education. We aim to create abundant opportunities for creative output and to encourage student to take risks.
We aim to provide outstanding breadth of opportunity in our curricular and co-curricular programme and to open our pupils’ minds to a myriad of possibilities. We believe that involvement in school life is a key factor in our students’ happiness. But it’s not just about taking part; we aim to instill in students a sense of purpose, pride and determination and the belief that they can compete on the biggest of stages.
"Pupils demonstrate excellent social awareness and they grow up to be poised, confident, and articulate young women."
ISI Inspection
We aim to create a warm, tolerant and kind community where students can be themselves and make friends for life. We want them to play their part in our community and in the community beyond SWPS.